Koha home
a) Library Hours: Monday to Friday-8.30 a.m.to 5.00 p.m.
Lunch Time-12:30p.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Issue counter closes half an hour before the Closing time of the library.
Library will remain closed On Saturdays, Sundays and all gazetted holidays.
b) General Rules: Students, teaching and non-teaching staff of the institution arc eligible to use the library. Every reader should sign in the entry register kept at the gate. Ali personal belongings, except small purses, note sheets and pens ace not in-side the library Readers should maintain silence in and around library premises. Mobile phones should be Switched off in the library. Marking. tearing or folding of pages is not allowed. It is the responsibility Of the Librarian to maintain cleanliness in the library and to arrange books in proper shelves. Provision of separate reading rooms should be available for student and staff. Library should be made an important link on the web, site of each polytechnic.
c) Library Notices: Each library should have provision of two notice boards: (a) for all circular & notices related to student & staff; (b) for new arrivals and latest books/Joumals. All notices regarding library timings, library rules. Dos and Donts should be displayed on the Notice Board at the entrance of the Library. Circulars relating to library activities, non-availability of any service to reader or minor reshuffle in the library timing should be brought to the notice of the readers. New arrivals/library attractions should be exhibited for promotion of reading of all such library material.
d) Library Membership: All regular staff members and students of the institute are entitled for library membership. Students are to be issued four Borrower's Tickets for the proper circulation Of books. Refundable Library security of Rs. 1000/- should be deposited at the time of admission. Number of recommended borrower’s tickets is as follows:
principals/HODs/Section in charges/ Lecturers 10 tickets
Non-teaching staff
05 tickets
Contractual faculty (with refundable security Rs. 2000/-) 04 tickets
Pan time faculty (with refundable security Rs. 1000/-) 02 tickets
The refundable security as mentioned above may be submitted to the Cashier.
The Borrower's tickets are non-transferable. The Borrowers tickets are valid for an academic session and are to be renewed at the beginning of the session. The valid date need to be mentioned on the tickets. Loss of borrower's tickets should be immediately brought to the notice of the Librarian to avoid misuse of the tickets. Duplicate borrowers tickets to be issued to students maintained On the in payment the library. of Rs. 20/- each to cashier. The record of receipts is to be maintained in the library. If the lost each ticket is traced, it should be surrendered in the library and if a book is found issued on the lost ticket, the borrower will be responsible.
Circulation Rules: Books are to be issued to the students and staff for two weeks and for full semester respectively. But. the copies of important books are to be issued for overnight to staff only. Librarian has the authority to recall any issued book before its due date. if it is demanded. The reader should show identity card when asked for. Books marked as will not be issued. Readers should inspect the books carefully before getting them issued or else he will be held liable for making payment as admissible in rules of recoveries for any damage discovered at the time of returning the book. Books should be returned on or before the due date. Renewals of the books/ periodicals are subject to the demand from the staff members.
e) Overdue and Recoveries: A fine of Rc. 1/- per day per book should be collected from the due date (for the students). Regular individual reminders and circulars should be sent to the staff to the staff to return/ renew the overdue library books (for teachers). For the loss/damage of the should replace it by n new copy of latest edition or the current price + Rs. 50/- handling charges. Rare books are not to be issued. For the loss/ damage of rare books, its replacement cost will be determined by multiplying the original cost with the number of years, the book is in the library. All receipts of fines/recoveries etc. shall be deposited in the Govt. fund.
f) Clearance/No dues: On the expiry of membership or terminating connections with the library/institute, members need to obtain a clearance certificate from the library after returning all the reading material issued; surrendering the borrowers tickets and after paying outstanding dues if any.
g) Open Access: library shall work in an Open Access system with proper safeguards. Rare and costly books. pamphlets. miniature books and paintings, books with too many plates and illustrations. maps poorly built books shall be placed in closed access. CD / DVD not to be issued to students/staff. One or two PCs may be kept in the library and facility to copy the CD/DVDs may be provided (if admissible) to the students and staff. Students may be allowed to access the books during exam days (as there are no chances of cheating during exams if they are allowed to access the Lib. books as centre of examination are different from their Polytechnic.)
h) Weeding out/ Write off: Regular condemnation/write off of books/sale of waste paper should be done as per General Financial Rules of Govt. of India.
i) Book Bank: SC/ST and lower income group students are entitled to take four books from book bank/special component Group Head. The record of 'Book Bank' will be maintained separately. The books are issued to students who fulfil the requirements, i.e„ caste certificate in case of SC/ST students and certificate of lower income group that the income of parents is Rs.1,08,000/- per annum. Four books will be issued to each student for the semester. If students desire, the books can be returned/exchanged against the books issued earlier. In case the book is lost, the book is to be replaced by the cost of the book and handling charges as for general students or the book is to be replaced.